Jun 10 – 30-minute tennis lesson with coach Barb
Gymnastics camp with Esperanza and Mackenzie: June 17,18, 25, 27
School subjects
Maintaining Duolingo Math streak: fractions: understanding 2/6 + 3/6 = 5/6, not 5/12: used the tacos example. Riva eats 2(out of 6) pieces, plus Reyan eats 3(out of 6) pieces, which makes it 5(out of 6) pieces, not 5 out of 12.
Catan Junior
Pop it word game to read words and score points
On the way(Car or routine conversations)
Household Tasks
Cutting mangoes and mushrooms with a sharp knife
Harvesting basil to help me cook
Spontaneous learning
Montessori Math beads
1000 chain, learning about cubes and squares.
We measured the 1000(10 cubed) and (729)9 cubed chains. Compared their lengths and the number of beads
We also measured the 100 chain and multiplied it by 10 to see if the length matched.
Extrapolations by Riva
Mom: 10x10x10 = 1000
Riva: 1x1x1 = 1
Mom: 10^3 = 1000
Riva: 10^2 = 100
Field Trips
Lumeria- creating fairy wings and dragons
Riva worked on building her gem card game
Bead necklaces
In May and June of 2024, we reinstated reading before bedtime as our routine. We had fallen off the wagon.
I loved reading the All Aboard book over and over.
Bob books
Collecting tennis balls with the mower when we played tennis- lesson with coach Barb or at Wailes tennis club
bike riding – Reyan has good control of his bike
June 11: 4th Birthday: Rey loved taking his bike to the skate park and riding up and down the slopes.
School subjects
Duolingo Math- Practice addition, multiplication, and simple fractions using the taco example.
Catan Junior
Pop it word game to read words and score points- Reyan reads pre-k words quite well. He knows the sounds of all the letters and can now merge them to form the word sounds.
On the way(Car or routine conversations)
Household Tasks
Cutting mangoes and mushrooms with a sharp knife
Harvesting basil to help me cook
Spontaneous learning
Field Trips
Jun 27th: Cove beach with Kailash and Sonia on
June 30th: Riva and Reyan learned about the Snap Circuits electrical circuit game at Kailash’s house. I ordered it for them right away. Spoiler alert—they loved it. More details are in the July narrative.
Reyan wants to stay indoors most of the time. We have to “push” him to go outside. Once there, he has a good time.
We have been focusing a lot on decluttering and organizing the space to make it conducive to learning and enjoyment for the kids.
We set up hanging silks and bought Montessori materials from Nienhuis Montessori.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!